Alternative Name
Robin Red-breast, Robin Redbreast
Scientific Name: Turdus migratorius
Basic Info
The American Robin is one of the most instantly recognizable birds in existence. They have a yellow bill, a bit on the thin side. Males will have a darker brown-colored head, with a distinct white eye-ring and a mottled throat. Their bellies are white, with a bright red color painted across their lower wings and around their bellies. Females of this species, will have a lighter, pale brown-gray color instead of the dark brown the males have and will in general be less brightly colored.
If you'd like to attract American Robins to your backyard, it can be a bit difficult. For the most part, they will ignore any feeders you have out for them, instead preferring the hunt and aiming squarely on stray bugs. If you have a garden outdoors, this will almost certainly attract American Robins - tilling the soil digs up earthworms, which are a staple of the Robin diet.
Between the months of April and August, the American Robin mating season is in full force. You can find Robin nests in almost every shape and size tree, usually appearing anywhere from six to 20 feet above ground. The female will lay a clutch of four to five distinctive baby blue eggs, in a nest woven from grass and mud. The eggs will take around 13 days to properly incubate and then the baby Robins are born. They will fledge in around two weeks, after being fed by the male and nursed to full health by both parents.
The American Robin is a welcomed messenger of springtime and a joy to behold in the wild.
The state bird of Wisconsin, the American Robin is a magnificent example of a bird that has successfully found its way into the wildlife population of the United States and has become a symbol for the springtime. The American Robin is very common in the United States, as well as Southern Canada and even parts of Guatemala and Mexico. If you have spent time in the United States, you've most likely encountered one of these cheery, friendly birds in their natural habitat, which includes anything from heavily forested areas to suburban towns. They have a wide range of calls, the most common being a high pitched chirp that's distinct enough to be recognized instantly as the call of the Robin - although they are known to make different sounds during mating season and when angered. During the winter, the majority of American Robins migrate to the Southern United States. Behaviorally, the Robin has a few distinct traits. The males will become fiercely competitive during the mating season, when a very distinct call is used. During the winter months, they can also be seen breaking up into smaller groups of Robins to forage for leftover fruits and berries the frost hasn't killed yet. The American Robin is also an excellent bug hunter and will gladly rid your yard of unwanted pests, but keep an eye on them, as they are known to take an interest in their own reflection and have reportedly attacked their reflection in windows and mirrors, resulting in minor damage. Overall, the American Robin is a fascinating and beautiful species to watch.
North America
The American Robin is probably one of the best-known species of birds in the United States and it's not hard to see why - they have a very large range! Nearly every city in America will have at least a few of these magnificent birds in them, especially in the south! They are particularly common in the springtime.
Common Foods